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Purpose & Scope

1. Metta Welfare Association (“MWA”) is committed to maintaining high standard of integrity in its operations.

2. This Policy aims to:

(a)  provide a trusted platform for employees, volunteers, beneficiaries, service users, vendors and other stakeholders to report serious wrongdoing or concerns, particularly in relation to fraud, controls or ethics, without fear of reprisals when whistle-blowing in good faith; and

(b)  ensure that robust arrangements are in place to facilitate independent investigation of the reported concern and for the appropriate follow up actions to be taken.

Reportable Incidents

3. Reportable suspected wrongdoings include but are not limited to:

(a)  any fraudulent act or forgery;

(b)  misappropriation of funds or assets;

(c)  corruption, bribery or blackmail;

(d)  significant breaches of MWA’s policies or internal controls;

(e)  endangerment of the health and safety of an individual; or

(f)  any unlawful conduct.


4. All reports are handled confidentially, except as necessary or appropriate to conduct investigation and to take remedial action, in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations. In this regard:

(a)  the identity of the person (“Whistle-blower”) making the allegation will be kept confidential so long as it does not hinder or frustrate any investigation;

(b)  the investigation process may reveal the source of the information to persons involved in the investigation or resolution of the investigation report; and

(c)  the Whistle-blower making the report may need to provide a statement as part of the gathering of evidence required.

5. While this Policy is meant to protect the Whistle-blower from any unfair treatment as a consequence of his/her report, it strictly prohibits frivolous and untrue complaints. This Policy is also not a route for taking up personal grievances.

Whistle-blowing Reporting & Communication Channels

6. If the Whistle-blower is an employee of MWA, he/she is encouraged to follow the whistle-blowing procedure set out in MWA’s Human Resource Manual.

7. If the Whistle-blower is not an employee of MWA, he/she should report his/her concern in writing to the Chairman of the Audit Committee (“AC”) at the following address:

Audit Committee

32 Simei Street 1 Metta Building, Singapore 529950

Attn: Chairman (Private and Confidential)

8. AC will handle all reported cases and ensure that issues raised are properly resolved by MWA’s management or such parties as appropriate. All findings and actions recommended by AC will be presented to MWA’s Management Committee (“MC”). MC will then decide on the appropriate action(s) to be taken.

9. To enable AC to effectively investigate any concerns, the following information should be provided, where possible:

(a)  Whistle-blower’s contact information;

(b)  Name(s) of person(s) involved;

(c)  Whistle-blower’s relationship with the reported person(s);

(d)  Detailed description of the incident (including date, time, location, methods and action/ behaviour);

(e)  Period of time the impropriety had been perpetuated;

(f)  Has MWA’s management been informed (if yes, please provide the notification date and contact information of the person notified);

(g)  Physical evidence and any other information that may substantiate the incident.

10. Concerns expressed anonymously are difficult to act upon effectively. We therefore encourage whistle-blowers to provide their names and contact numbers to facilitate investigations.

Policy Review

11. This Policy will be reviewed regularly to maintain compliance with applicable laws and regulations or accommodate organisational changes.


updated on 10 Dec 2021