Newsletter: November 2011
Ingredients: Tomatoes, frozen tofu, ginger paste, mushroom flavour enhancer.

- Remove the frozen tofu from the fridge for defrosting. After which, drain the water from the tofu completely, dice finely and set aside. Wash and cut the tomatoes, set aside.
- Heat and oil the wok, stir fry the ginger paste until fragrant. Next, toss in the tomatoes and sauté them lightly, season them with a pinch of salt and continue to stir fry until they turn into a pasty consistency. After which, add in the tofu pieces and stir fry them with mushroom flavour enhancer.
Things to note:
- Moisture in the tofu must be completely sieved to prevent the forming of additional sauce for optimal taste.
- Salt must be added while frying the tomatoes to obtain the juice for optimal taste.
原料: 蕃茄、凍豆腐
- 平時豆腐放冷凍室凍硬,吃時解凍,注意,解凍後要捏去水,撕小塊; 蕃茄洗淨切塊。
- 起鍋熱油,爆香薑末,倒入蕃茄翻炒,加少許鹽,待炒出蕃茄醬汁狀後,放入凍豆腐繼續翻炒,並加蘑菇精調味即可出鍋。
- 凍豆腐解凍後一定要擠去水份,否則做出來的菜有湯汁,就不好吃了。
- 炒蕃茄一定要加鹽才易出水成蕃茄汁,而且這道菜一定要炒成蕃茄汁狀才好吃。
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