Newsletter: November 2011
Ingredients: Potatoes, pumpkin, soybean patties, green and red capsicums, ginger shreds.

- Wash, peel and cut the potatoes and pumpkin, set aside.
- Soak the soybean patties until soft, squeeze out the water, and then cut them into smaller pieces, set aside.
- Wash and slice the green and red capsicums, set aside.
- Heat and oil the wok, stir fry the ginger shreds until fragrant. Next, Toss in the potatoes and stir fry them for a while before adding a small amount of water, put a lid over the wok and let the contents simmer for five minutes.
- Pour in the pumpkin and soybean patties, add some soy sauce, salt, curry oil, and toss evenly.
- Add a small amount of water (take note that too much water would dilute the taste of the dish) and replace the lid over the wok to continue simmering the contents until they turn mushy (like how a stew should look). If you prefer a softer stew, you can simmer the contents for a longer time as desired. Add water to the contents as and when they become dried up in the process of cooking.
- Right before turning off the flame, toss in the green and red capsicums, mushroom flavour enhancer, and stir well.
- 土豆、番瓜去皮,切塊; 大豆蛋白
- 用水泡軟後擠幹水分,切塊;
- 青紅椒切段。
- 起鍋熱油,爆香薑絲,先放入
- 土豆塊翻炒幾下後,加少許水,蓋上蓋子燜五分鐘左右。
- 再放番瓜和大豆蛋白,並加醬油、鹽、咖喱油,翻炒均勻,再次加入適量水(不能太多,否則會讓菜失去香味),並蓋上蓋子繼續燜至土豆和番瓜都熟透為止(喜歡爛爛的,就多煮些時間,中間如果燒幹了就加水),快出鍋前,放青紅椒、蘑菇精,翻炒均勻
- 待鍋中剩下少許湯汁後,出鍋。
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