A warm and friendly person, Michael makes new friends feel welcome and even gives them a hand whenever help is needed.
Mr Leong Pak Wan Michael has moderate Intellectual Disability and has been going to Metta Home Day Activity Centre since January 2004. He currently lives with his older brother’s family, who has been his primary caregiver after their parents have passed on.
Over the last 18 years, the programme has kept Michael active, fit and engaged. Participating in these activities also allowed him to socialise with others.
Despite his age, he remains alert, continues to attend the centre activities, and occasionally assists his fellow friends in the centre during meal times. A warm and friendly person, he makes new friends feel welcome and even gives them a hand when they need assistance. He has also showed a willingness to learn new things.
As he is diabetic, Michael has been extremely careful with his diet. To stay in good health, he attends the morning exercises regularly.
Michael also has a creative side — he has mastered the art of quilling over the years. In fact, his impressively crafted artworks are often given to donors, volunteers, guests, and VIPs as tokens of appreciation for their contributions to Metta.