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Getting ready for exams

By October 8, 2021January 25th, 2022No Comments
  1. Chunking – This is a technique to facilitate the performance of memory tasks. This technique, as suggested by its name, requires one to “chunk” or cluster responses based on semantics relations or perceptual features. Competitive students who usually “swallow” the textbooks will find this method especially useful as they deal with large amounts of information. This is also useful for students who face difficulties to memorize truckloads of studying materials.
  2. Prepare a good time-table – Preparing study time-tables is essential for revision management. It allows one to prioritize time well, allowing more revision time for tough subjects. This allows one to set daily goals in the revision process. Lastly, this also weeds out over-estimation error for students who have poor time management.
  3. Make notes – Always strive to make clear and concise notes to facilitate revision. Ambiguous or confounding ones may cause one to run the risk of learning the wrong information. This results in time wastage in the course of one’s revision. Keeping notes clean is also vital. The reason is simple; it is so much easier to read fresh and neat notes as opposed to dirty and messy ones.
  4. Eat well – As the old adage goes, “you are what you eat”. It is extremely relevant in this case; one is more likely to do better when one feeds on nutritious food and is pink in health. Falling sick during the revision period or on the exam day is disastrous if one aims to get good grades.
  5. Avoid distractions – It is best to study in a conducive environment that allows one to focus on the materials one is attempting to understand or memorize. Studying in front of the television, or while playing computer games, is probably not a good thing to do if one intends to remember beyond what is shown on the television or computer games. Attention is key.
  6. Sleep on it – Do not undermine the power of sleep. Even as researches have repeatedly suggested how sleep is vital to us, many still do not realize its true significance. Some may even be convinced in the fallacy that young people do not need to sleep as much as their older counterparts. Breaking news: Inadequate sleep leads to an impaired ability to learn, absorb information, control moods, and evaluate objectively. Need I say more?